Property details
The property is located on the north side of Minor Street close to its junction with Crossbank Way in Oldham, Greater Manchester. Oldham Town Centre is less than 0.5 miles to the north. The A62 (Manchester Road) is within close proximity and provides easy access to Junction 22 of the M60 Motorway approx. 2 miles south west.
The property comprises a newly constructed modern industrial warehouse unit of steel portal frame construction with part brick, part blockwork, part steel clad elevations beneath a pitched steel sheet roof. The unit has been partitioned internally and has two separate roller shutters and two electric supplies. The unit has an eaves height of 5.1m with 6.6m to the apex. The shutter doors are approx. 3.1m high by 4m wide.
As measured on a gross internal basis the unit has an area of 373.23m2 (4,017 sq ft).
The property has been partitioned so 2 x c2,000sq ft units are available.
Manchester North, Oldham